

来源:  |   作者:   |  发布日期: 2005-03-25   |  阅读次数:3177次



        凉山是苦荞麦的故乡。故选择并经川科外(200311号文件批准, 由西昌学院主办,中国食品科学技术学会、国际植物遗产资源研究所东亚办事处、四川农业大学信息与工程学院支持,凉山苦荞麦开发中心承办,凉山州农委、州农业局、州粮食局协办的"荞麦暨饮食文化国际研讨会,将于20058812日在西昌市邛海宾馆举办 。现征文与通知如下: 

        参会代表 凡从事农业、粮食、食品科技、饮食文化、医药保健领域的管理与科技工作者,以及关注荞麦者。

征文范围 荞麦栽培与遗传;荞麦形态学与分类法;荞麦生理学与生物化学;西部传统文化与旅游产品科技含量的对策;民族饮食文化资源向文化资本转变;民族礼仪中饮食文化的族群性;苦荞麦与旅游休闲餐饮的卫生与环保;苦荞麦的开发与利用;荞麦食用制作的历史与演进;荞麦资源分布与传播及种植规划;饮食文化中的健康与比较美学;饮食文化与食品科学;绿色食品与传统医药;苦荞麦与糖尿病;21世纪人类保健食品;其它。

展览与活动 举办荞麦、食品、保健品系列展览及技术交流与合作;参观西昌学院苦荞麦试验室与加工厂、西昌卫星发射基地、泸沽湖和参加素有东方情人节的"凉山彝族火把节狂欢活动。

    要求与须知 1论文不超过3000字,附题目、单位、姓名、邮编的400字内中英文摘要并打印。2005610截稿。来稿概不退,经删改后在《会议论文集》发表。2.按国际惯例欢迎无论文者参会。3稿寄:四川省西昌市大巷口上街3号凉山苦荞麦开发中心阿海先生收。邮编:615000。有关会议详细情况请登录:http://www.lugu-lake.com.正式与会另行通知。4.联系人:A.凉山苦荞麦开发中心阿海先生:电话08343661154;电话/传真:08343221866;手机:13037771866;电子邮件:AHLxc-public.sc.cninfo.net B.西昌学院科技处蔡光泽教授:电话:0834-2580077


神秘的泸沽湖欢迎您! 中国西昌航天城欢迎您!






Dear Distinguished Colleagues

We are pleased to inform you that the International Symposium on Buckwheat and the Dietary Culture of the Yi People, will be held in Xichang, China, from 8th to 12th, August 2005. This Symposium will coincide with the Yi People’s traditional Torch Festival, which is also known as the "Eastern Carnival. During the Symposium, you can take part in the academic side of proceedings, as well as enjoy the various attractive of the Torch Festival .

Xichang, which is the capital of Lianshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, has may attractions. Aside from the beautiful natural scenery, it is also home to the Lianshan Museum of Yi People’s Slavery Society, the only museum in China devoted to the preservation of the Yi people’s culture and a very good source of research material related to the use of bitter buckwheat by the Yi people. Lugu lake, which is not far from Xichang, is home to the last remaining matriarchal society in the whole world. The Mosuo people of the region still maintain their ancient yet romantic "Axia” visiting marriage custom .The area is both an ideal place to pursue your research interests as well as a popular traveling destination. Bitter buckwheat is a special product of China’s western regions, this dietary staple of the Yi people has many health benefits; including the lowering of blood sugar and fat levels. Liangshan is the largest cultivation and research base for bitter buckwheat in the whole of China. We believe this symposium can help to promote the further utilization and development of buckwheat and that the future development of this new resource will have great benefits for the whole world. We extend a warm welcome to all and look forward to your participation.


Prof. Xia Mingzhong           Dr.Ahai Lujin

President                      Director

Xichang University             Liangshan Buckwheat Development Center



.If you decide to participate in this symposium, we will need to issue you with an invitation for an entry visa. To obtain this invitation you must first send a letter confirming your ability to attend and also include your personal details (telephone, fax, E-mail and mailing address) and a copy of your passport. At this stage, you have two options: A. you may choose to pay the registration fee in full, or alternatively ; B. you may instead pay a US$50 pre-registration fee, this functions as a down-payment and will be deducted from the total registration fee. We will issue you with the invitation for the entry visa before 30th may 2005.

. If you have any question regarding the symposium or would simply like to know more about the Lugu Lake area you can consult the following web-site:http://www.Lugu-Lake.com



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