

来源:  |   作者:   |  发布日期: 2021-08-06   |  阅读次数:21719次



15届国际荞麦会议将由国际荞麦研究协会(IBRA)主办,波兰国家科学研究院土壤科学和植物栽培研究所(IUNG-BIP, Pulawy, Poland,波兰·普瓦维)、奥尔什丁瓦尔米亚玛祖里大学(UWM, Olsztyn, Poland,波兰·奥尔什丁)、波兹南生命科学大学(UP Poznan, Poland,波兰·波兹南)共同承办。本次大会的主题是“健康荞麦”。







Dear All buckwheat family!

I am sending you this e-mail in connection with the 15th International Symposium on Buckwheat „Buckwheat for health”


The 15th International Symposium on Buckwheat „Buckwheat for health” will be held under auspices of the International Buckwheat Research Association (IBRA) and organized by Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation - State Research Institute (IUNG-BIP, Pulawy, Poland), University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (UWM, Olsztyn, Poland), and Poznan University of Life Sciences (UP Poznan, Poland).


The International Symposium on Buckwheat has been held regularly every three years since 1980. The first Symposium was organized in Slovenia. The 15th International Symposium on Buckwheat will take place at the Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation - State Research Institute, Pulawy, Poland from June 27 to 29, 2022.


The aim of the Symposium on Buckwheat is to exchange ideas and discuss problems and possible solutions on various aspects of buckwheat. The symposium invites buckwheat researchers, students involved in buckwheat research, growers, seed farmers, processors, commercial producers of buckwheat and buckwheat family of products, nutrition specialists, as well as all those who are interested in buckwheat as a valuable food crop.


Participants of the Symposium will see buckwheat experimental fields and buckwheat products. Every participant will have an opportunity to present the results of his/her work, get acquainted with contemporary level of research on buckwheat, and exchange research information on buckwheat with colleagues.


The traditional form of the conference is planned. Official language of the Symposium will be English.


Website with more details will be created in September.

We kindly ask you to forward the information about this upcoming symposium to your network.

With best wishes,

Organizing committee:

Prof. Grażyna Podolska, IUNG-PIB Puławy,

Prof. Jacek Kwiatkowski UWM Olsztyn,

Dr Krzysztof Dziedzic, UP Poznań



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